A downloadable game for Windows

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SUNRISE (日の出) is a ball-bouncing 2D platformer arena game, for up to 4 players. It features many exciting mechanics, like:

  • sliding
  • kicking
  • kicking the sun
  • glitchy bots that are also trying to kick the sun

and exciting features like:

  • over 7 unique battle arenas!!!
  • 12 colors to choose from!!!
  • a sweeping and dense lore that takes more than 10 whole seconds to read!!!


A 1 to 4 player game, where the goal is to have the sun be your color longer than everyone else. If you hit the sun, it flies in the air and then switches to your color - if the sun hits the ground, it goes back to neutral.


It was developed for the A Game By Its Cover 2017 game jam, where the prompt was to develop a game based off one of the fantasy Famicon cases made for the My Famicase Exhibition 2017. The one I chose was this one, by Christoper Jacques, a creative fella:

from My Famicase Exhibition, by Christopher Jacques


The game jam had a secret/optional modifier, that recommended the game be compatible with a Winnitron arcade machine, which means that 4 players can snugly fit their hands on one computer keyboard to play this game. But first, an overview of an individual player's controls:

Left -> moves your character left
Right -> move your character right
Button 1 -> makes your character jump (up to x3, and unlimited walljumps)
Button 2 -> makes your character slide (even in the air!)

Escape lets you leave menus, pause the game, and exit the game.

If you're not familiar with the Winnitron control scheme, here it is:

PlayerMovementButton 1Button 2
1Arrow Keys./
4Numpad 8456Numpad 1Numpad 2
from Winnitron wiki


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

sunrise-famicase2017.exe 32 MB

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